S Curve Strategies

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S Curve Strategies has three women-owned business certifications. Each plays a significant role in signaling to our clients a national standard of best-in-class service and that our company is 100% owned, controlled, operated, and managed by a woman. Our certifications include the following:

  • The California Public Utilities Commission Suppliers Clearinghouse Certification

  • Women Business Enterprise National Council Certification

  • Women Owned Small Business Certification

Certifications were created because companies wanted to enhance their supplier diversity and knew there were thousands of women-, veteran-, LGBTQ- and minority-owned businesses in the U.S. doing great work, but didn’t have an easy way to reach them like they did the larger firms.

The California Public Utilities Commission developed the Supplier Clearinghouse due to their requirement to have all investor-owned electric, gas, water and telecommunication utility companies with gross annual revenues in excess of $25 million to increase the use of women-, veteran- and minority-owned businesses. The Commission certifies and audits these businesses on behalf of the individual utility companies to provide them with a reliable database of certified firms, but does not guarantee a business will receive contracts. That of course is up to the business to actively search out contracts, demonstrate their capabilities and perform stellar work. While this certification is from a California regulating agency, many other states’ utilities accept the standard due to its stringent process.

The Women Business Enterprise National Council is recognized by corporations as well as federal, state and local government entities as the largest certifier of women-owned businesses in the U.S. The nonprofit organization actively provides its thousands of National Corporate Members marketplace access to its certified businesses and is the leading advocate for women business owners and entrepreneurs. Businesses certify by providing extensive financial and business performance records, and receive an on-site inspection. Businesses must re-certify each year, which ensures a national standard that can be trusted.

The Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contracting program is the result of the federal government’s goal to award at least five percent of all federal contracting dollars to women-owned small businesses each year. Concern for small business intensified during World War II, when large industries beefed up production to accommodate wartime defense contracts and smaller businesses were left unable to compete. Out of this effort the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) was born to ensure qualified small businesses were considered for government contracts and specializes its outreach to armed forces veterans, women and minorities. In addition the SBA provides loans to small businesses who are victims of natural disasters and specialized advice and assistance in international trade. The special designation of Women-Owned Small Business is administered by the Women Business Enterprise National Council.