Women Leading the Electric Vehicle Revolution

At S Curve Strategies, we're immensely proud of our president's involvement in an extraordinary group called Women of EVs (WEVs). As passionate advocates for the electric vehicle (EV) industry, we understand that the key to future success lies in an inclusive and diverse workforce. The WEVs group exemplifies this, standing as a testament to what can be accomplished when brilliant women come together for a common goal.

WEVs members & Port of San Diego’s Renee Yarmy (center) leads a group on a tour to check out the Port’s electrification initiatives

S Curve Strategies is part of the San Diego Chapter and meets monthly with the group to accelerate the adoption of electric cars – be it over a recent private tour of the Port of San Diego’s zero-emission initiative and discussion of North America’s first electric tugboat, a session with Mary Nichols the former Chair of the California Air Resources Board, or at a happy hour at a local distillery. 


What started as a small circle of just four women with a shared vision for a more sustainable and equitable transportation industry in 2013 has blossomed into a powerful network of nearly 600 women. Over the last decade, WEVs has become a cornerstone community, established as a "space built for 'her' from the ground up."

WEVs elevates women in the EV industry by creating a collaborative atmosphere where female leaders, engineers, policymakers, and enthusiasts can share stories, resources, and strategies. The goal is to foster the growth of exceptional leaders and innovators who can make a lasting impact on the industry. The urgency of our mission is tied to the global need to shift rapidly towards electric transportation and zero-emission technology as a solution to mitigating climate change. But beyond environmental stewardship, the group recognizes that when women lead, entire communities and industries benefit.

The reach of WEVs isn't confined to a single region or country. With members stretching from Portland, Oregon to Columbus, Ohio, and even across the Atlantic to Europe, India, Japan, and beyond, this is a truly global initiative. Women are coming together from all corners of the earth to accelerate the adoption of EVs and improve the overall health of our planet.

It's not just about conversation; it's about action. Members of WEVs are actively shaping companies, influencing governments, and transforming communities. Through their collective efforts, they are investing in electrifying all modes of transportation, generating new jobs, improving air quality, and laying the groundwork for the future infrastructure needed to combat the effects of climate change.

WEVs is keen on amplifying its impact through more structured avenues. Starting in 2019, the group began formalizing various programs aimed at helping members, partners, and even those outside the industry. This includes everything from their high-profile annual events to smaller local meetups and organic mentorship opportunities.

The values and objectives of WEVs align closely with those of S Curve Strategies. We believe that a sustainable future is possible only when everyone, irrespective of gender, has a seat at the table—in decision-making, on job sites, in policymaking bodies, at coding sessions, and on factory floors.

As we forge ahead into an electrified future, S Curve Strategies is incredibly grateful to the leaders of WEVs and honored to be aligned with its transformative mission. We stand in awe of what has been accomplished so far—by uniting passionate women in a male-dominated industry, WEVs is not just igniting conversations but also powering real-world changes. And it's just the beginning. The electric vehicle industry is at a pivotal juncture, and we believe that by embracing diversity and inclusive leadership, we can move faster and more efficiently toward our goals. Feel free to contact us to learn how you can get involved. Because when women lead, everyone wins. 

April Bolduc